Our public library has a summer reading program of course, but in addition to encouraging the kids to read more through the summer they also encourage the adults with recording booklets and prizes. With this motivation and to further encourage my pair, I signed up for
Scanning the new book shelves near the end of June, I noticed several novels and mysteries with Christmas, holiday, or New Years in the title and thought, "hummmm, how about reading Christmas in July?" Part of my method was to trick my mind into thinking the coming heat wouldn't be as noticed. My first titles were New Year's Quilt and
As we get ready for holiday, I've picked up several titles to take for reading at the lake.
The Christmas Bargain, The Christmas Clock, and A Christmas Journey.
Well this too got lost into the wonders of summer activities. I loved reading Christmas stories through July, and I think it partially kept my mind cooler in the heat of the summer.